Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tips from the Video Girl for Your First Dance

Lately I've been pondering the newer trend of taking dance lessons and having a routine for your first dance. In fact, my husband (then fiance) and I wanted to do just that....until we both procrastinated and got so busy with everything else and we scrapped the idea. I always regretted that we didn't have a choreographed routine to go along with the song we had chosen, which was "What a Difference a Day Made" by Dinah Washington.

But as I shoot more and more weddings and get to experience the first dance over and over again through my lens, I've come to a different conclusion. More often than not, I notice that the couple is concentrating more on the dance moves than the moment. Usually the guy is stiff and unrelaxed and the bride is feverishly staring into his eyes while nodding her head as she counts to the beat. It's not all the time, but when I do see it (close up I might add) I feel there is something missing. Some kind of enjoyment and relaxation that should come with dancing to that first song with the one you love.

So my advice is this: Unless you have a lot of time to take lessons and practice a choreographed dance so that you and your groom are comfortable enough to relax and actually look into each other's eyes and forget the crowd, then I don't recommend it!
Pick a song you both LOVE that allows you to kick off the party relaxed, smiling and just enjoying this new journey you are both embarking on together. That is what really entertains your guests. And, it looks great on video!

PS If you're worried about the dance not being exciting enough, then just take a lesson or two of spinning, dipping and a few basic steps. This will allow you to be comfortable enough to improvise where needed in the moment. I've never been to a wedding where the groom had spun the bride in her beautiful dress and the crowd not react in cheers!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cute First Dance

Here are Chris and Goga in their first dance together as husband and wife. They are such a nice couple and I remember shooting them dancing thinking "This is one for the blog!'

They chose a very beautiful song, "Stand by Me" can tell they both love this classic!

Cute First Dance from Melissa Costantino on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Adam & Amanda Highlight

Here's a quick video highlight of Adam and Amanda's wedding....I used a song from their ceremony.  I added it as a special chapter on their DVD as well. Hope you all like it!

Love Song 4 Adam & Amanda from Melissa Costantino on Vimeo.