Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Movin' on up!

I am sooooo excited to announce that Pea Patch will now be operating out of Centreville! My new office will be located behind Buckley's Tavern in a (this is too cool) farmhouse that's been converted into offices. The house is actually already an established production company, Black Sheep Productions that is owned and operated by TJ Healy II (look him up on imdb.com, you'll be amazed at all the movies he's worked on, The Perfect Storm, The Village....it's so awesome!) He is also working on a great educational series about WWII Vets called Voices of War. Check it out if you get the chance....

TJ and I hope to be able to kick around ideas and feed off each other creatively. A lot of my editing work will still be done at my home office in Newark, but clients can come visit in Centreville to see my work and meet up to talk about their big day :)

And yes, it IS spelled with an "re" instead of an "er" for Centreville...the sign is PROOF that I can spell!