Thursday, January 8, 2009

2 Tickets to the Fun Show

January 18th is the WJBR Bridal Expo...all you newly engaged Brides and Grooms should come on out to see all of the vendors in person and gather all the information you can! There are soooo many decisions involved in your planning and it really helps to at least get out there and meet some of the vendors. My business thrives on personal relationships. I've spoken to a lot of wedding professionals that say "Thank God, I've never had to attend one of those bridal shows! I get my business from [referrals, online advertising, print ads, etc....]" But I LOVE seeing brides in person and talking with them. Even if I don't book with all of them, just getting to know them helps me understand the market and what brides are facing today....believe me, even though it's only been 2 years, the wedding industry has changed a lot since I walked down the aisle!

I invite you to stop on's free to get in and is worth it if only to get free stuff and enter raffles to win cool things. I'll be in a booth with Litrato Photo...See you there!